Saturday, February 15, 2014

Do It Myself Meeple Lamp

I would never call myself "crafty."  That would be like calling asparagus "delicious" or curling "boring" (I don't care what you say, asparagus is gross and curling is the best olympic sport, hands down.  Don't argue with me).

But even I can throw something nifty together every now and then.

Behold!  Meeple lamp!!!
This is Mozzie.  He's a teddy bear.  And a heavy drinker.

No, no that's not the right picture.  My apologies for the bear.  I'm a bit ashamed of his behavior.


Behold!  Meeple lamp!!!
Let there be light!

It was really easy to make.  Just a mason jar, lamp kit and lots of meeples.

Approximately 237 meeples.  Roughly.  Yes.

I got 250 of the little wooden fellas for $55 from  Maybe that's a lot of money, but look how adorable they are in all their multicolored glory!  Worth it. 

Mound o' meeples.

I bought the mason jar at the mason jar store (or maybe Target) and the lamp shade at the fancy hat store (or maybe Target). 
Moonshine container and party hat.

Finally, I found this jar lamp kit on amazon. The lamp-y portion just screws over the top of a quart mason jar.

The jar has its own party hat.  Plug it in, it gets a little buzzed.

 Some assembly was required, but me and the bear were up for the challenge.

 Now, I know what you are thinking.  "Robster, that is the greatest thing I have ever seen!  Except for that picture of a manatee hugging a shark."

"But those meeples were so expensive!  Why did you make such an expensive lamp?!"

Ok, first, the lamp is awesome and stop judging me.

Second, it is, in fact, not a lamp at all.  As a board gamer, I need extra meeples (in case I lose 250 of them over the course of everyday play).  And I need a place to store them.

This, my friends, is a glass meeple storage device with a lighthouse on top.
 So that lost meeples can find their way home from sea in the dark.

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