Monday, June 9, 2014

The Art of Cube and Meeple Stacking

Sometimes I have a short attention span.

It's quite odd really.  I can sit down and play a brain-burner of a game for 4 hours with no problem usually.  But those 5 minutes where we are reminding ourselves of the game rules before we start just get to me.

Luckily, the best board games come packed with bits of fun that are even better when employed beyond their intended use.  Like cats who sit in empty shipping boxes.  Or kids with bubblewrap.  Or adults with bubblewrap.
What I mean is that all the little meeples and cubes and other bits that come with a game make great stacking toys while you're killing time waiting for the game to get started or for your turn to come around again.  It is truly a fine art, using your time efficiently in constructing Meeple Masterpieces.

We played Troyes the other night.  It's a cool little game, but I didn't take pictures of it.  I was too busy talking to myself.  And the meeples.  The meeples each have their own voices.  I wish you could hear them.
And they told me to take pictures of their stacking feats!  So I did. Enjoy.

Meeple cheerleaders.
Platform shoes are back in style, and in designer orange!
Meeple fortress!

King of the castle!
Just stack things.  It's fun.

I realize I haven't given you a full game post in a while.  Some of you might actually care.  And you deserve better, especially if you are one of the maybe 5 people who actually read this blog regularly.
I was going to do one this weekend, I really was.  But then I played board games and cleaned my house and ate a lot of tacos instead. 

The next post will be for a full game.  I promise, I think.

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