Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Version of "Going Out" on a Friday Night: Friday Night Magic

So I've been playing in Friday Night Magic Standard constructed tournaments every Friday night for the past few months.  It's a lot of fun, and I'm getting better at the game.  I feel like updating you on my adventures for those of you who enjoy MTG.

Up until now, I've been doing pretty back, but I've slowly been getting a handle on both deck building and how to actually play this game with all its subtleties.

Two weeks ago, I had a 3-1-1 using a Grixis Dragon Control deck:

It's pretty fun to play, though control  takes a while to get the hang of.  I like this deck because it gives me lots of decisions to make while I'm trying to survive until the late game when my dragons can take over.
I like dragons.  They are fun.  Fun with fire.  And sometimes ice.

This past week, I went 3-2, which I also am happy with (I'll take a winning record any day), with a mono-black aggro warrior deck.

This deck is really fast and really fun.  And also pretty consistent and can do well with only a few mana.  Grave Strength is a card no one expects, and sometimes makes people angry.

FNM at my local store is $6 to play, and no matter your record at the end of the night you get a booster pack (a.k.a. a Pity Pack).  But 2 wins gets you 3 packs, 3 gets you 4, etc.  I've finally started winning packs with my winning records!

I even opened some decent cards this week.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) for me, Jack in the Box is directly on my way home from the game store.  So 12:30 at night I stop by so I can enter a greasy food coma before bedtime.

I like tacos.  These are sort of like tacos.

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