Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Dragon Go Server Tournament: Round 1

So back in January, I started playing in an online Go tournament on the Dragon Go Server.  This is a turn-based server, so instead of sitting down and playing a game from start to finish in an hour, each player plays one move then waits for the other with some long time limit so the players just play a move when it's convenient in their day.

This tournament, for example, had time rules that required you making 14 moves within 14 days, after which it would reset and you'd have another 14 days to make 14 moves.

I entered the tournament ranked as a 10 kyu (rankings go from 30 kyu to 1 kyu then to 1dan to 6 dan typically, that is from weakest to strongest.  You count backwards first then up again.  I don't know why). 

The first round just ended.  It took almost 7 months to complete, during which I was super impatient.  But, I won all 8 of my games and gained a couple ranks.  The number one player from each group advances to round 2, after which the top 3 from each group go to a final group to decide the tournament winner.

Here's a graphic of my group stats summary.  Names have been changed to protect the identities of people.  My info (the guy in first place!), however, is actually legit (for once) in case anyone who reads this blog happens to also play Go.  Hit me up for a game on DGS sometime, I appreciate your readership.

Round 2 starts tomorrow.  Wish me luck.

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