Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What's In Your Bag?

Gen Con is approaching.  Sadly, we aren't going this year :(
Hopefully we can get the time off work for a big adventure next year.
(For our big adventure last year, see this: Day 1, Day 2 and Days 3 and 4)

Last year, we got these awesome game bags for free.  They aren't super special or padded or anything, but they hold 2 games nicely.  I use it when the games get cooped up and I need to take them out for a walk.

Panda not included.

I used it just the other day.  When I got home and pulled the games out, though, I also found these.

Not my socks

These are not my socks.  They are all that's left of a gamer who had to move away :'(

But I'll see y'all soon ;)  We'll play some games!